Tuesday 1 November 2016

Divine Preservation - Dr. Paul Enenche

Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Dr. Paul Enenche

Welcome to Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional written by Dr. Paul Enenche

Today Wednesday, 2 November 2016

TOPIC: Divine Preservation

SCRIPTURE: He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes; Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. Psalm 105:14-15
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To serve God is to be saved by God; to serve God is to be safe in life.
Preservation can be defined as the act of keeping or protecting something/somebody from loss, danger or harm. So, the keeping of the children of God from danger and harm by God is called Divine preservation.
God is a Specialist in the preservation of His children. The Most High God is interested in the welfare of His people. To be called by God is to be preserved by God. The Caller is also the Preserver.
What then are the keys to Divine Preservation? 
1.Upright living: To be upright is to end right up, far above the reach of the enemy. Righteousness takes you to the realm that is out of reach for any harm.
2.Dwelling in God’s Presence: The secret place of God is the safest place for a man’s life. 
3.Kingdom assignment: You cannot carry out an ambassadorial assignment and not have diplomatic immunity. To serve God is to be saved by God; to serve God is to be safe in life.
I prophesy on you: in this month of November, no devil will cut your life short. Both you and your loved ones are preserved in Jesus’ Name
Remember This: To serve God is to be saved by God; to serve God is to be safe in life.
1. Determine to live a life devoid of iniquity and compromise.
2. Whatever keeps you away from God’s Presence is an enemy of your preservation; fight it.
3. Be dedicatedly involved in Kingdom assignment especially evangelism.
PRAYER: LORD, I thank You for Your Word to me today. I connect to Your preservation power for the safety of my life, family and destiny, LORD, in Jesus’ Name.  
DAILY READING: Ezekiel 3:16 to 6:14, Hebrews 4:1 to 16, Psalm 104:24 to 35, Proverbs 26:27
QUOTE: The secret place is a hiding place and no devil can find whom God hides. Culled from 22 LAWS OF LIFE - Volume 2 by Dr Paul Enenche.
TODAY IN HISTORY: 2/11/1920 - The first commercial radio station in the U.S., KDKA of Pittsburgh, PA, began regular broadcasting.
AMAZING FACT:  Eagles’ eyes have a million light-sensitive cells per square mm of retina, five times more than a human’s 200,000.

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