Sunday 23 October 2016


Daily Manna Devotional: Prove It - Monday, 24 October 2016

Welcome to DCLM Daily Manna Devotional written by Pastor W.F Kumuyi

Monday, 24 October 2016                              

TOPIC: Prove It.

Text: Philemon 1-9

Key Verse: "For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother" (Philemon 9).

A song writer, filled with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote: "Your life's a book before their eyes; They're reading it thro' and thro', Say, does it point them to the skies, Do others see Jesus in you?" The song emphasizes that believers in Christ must let others see Jesus in them. Yet, another song writer challenges believers to "prove it by the life you live".

Our passage today narrates Paul's letter to Philemon commending him on an earlier report he (the apostle) got by Onesimus and Epaphras that Philemon had being a faithful and loving person, both toward Jesus and his brethren. Paul applauded his commitment to the gospel and encouraged him to continue in his good Christian behaviour. Philemon was not a nominal disciple. Paul's commendation of his Christian behaviour reveals that he had a great impact on those with whom he came into contact. He was a disciple who had great impact on the lives of others outside his region. The totality of a Christian life is its ability to positively impact the lives of others.

Paul was encouraged to make mention of Philemon in his personal prayers, because of his challenging lifestyle. As a believer, what can be said of your Christian life? Do people see Jesus in you? Do you forgive others when they offend you, even in the vineyard of God? Onesimus had offended Philemon and fled to Rome, yet, it was he who gave the good report of Philemon's commitment to the gospel. What story do people tell about you?

Thought for the day: Let your life shine before others.

Bible Reading in one Year: Jeremiah 7-9

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