Sunday 30 October 2016

BEWARE OF PRIDE! - Dr. Paul Enenche

Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Dr. Paul Enenche

Welcome to Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional written by Dr. Paul Enenche

Today Monday, 31 October 2016

TOPIC: Beware of Pride!

SCRIPTURE: But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble- James 4:6
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: God assists the humble but resists the proud.
Pride is the most dangerous and destructive character trait anyone can possess. It is a major factor in the abortion of destiny. Lucifer, satan the devil lost his dignity and authority to pride (Isaiah. 14:12-15). Pride was the first sin ever committed; it is the nature of Lucifer. Pride brings back to God’s memory the initial rebellion of the devil.
Pride makes a person feel bigger than he really is. It gives a person an exaggerated opinion or inflated idea of himself. It makes a person look down and talk down on people. It makes a person give himself the credit for what God is doing in his life. It gives a person an arrival mentality and makes him immune to counsel, advice or instruction.
The tragedy of pride is that God assists the humble but resists the proud. If the devil resists you, you can be assisted but if God resists you, who can rescue you? To be full of pride is to be empty of grace (James 4:6); and to lack grace is to fall flat because we stand by grace (Romans 11:20).
Beloved, never forget that without God, you can do nothing. 
Remember this: God assists the humble but resists the proud.
1.Humble yourself no matter your status in life.
2.Never forget where God took you from.
3.Acknowledge the fact that you are helpless without God.
PRAYER: O LORD, help me to always remember that I am nothing without You. Give me the grace to be humble no matter where You place me in life, in Jesus’ Name.
DAILY READING: Lamentations 4:1 to 5:22, Hebrews 2:1 to 18, Psalm 103:1 to 22, Proverbs 26:23
QUOTE: When you think your wealth is your making… or the anointing you carry is your making, God will withdraw from you a little, so you can see how naked you are without Him. Culled from THOU ART MY BATTLE AXE by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: Ostrich’s kicks can kill a human.
TODAY IN HISTORY: 31/10/1864 – Nevada is admitted as the 36th U.S. state.

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